Open Up Entrepreneurship PDF Εκτύπωση E-mail

Financing scheme: Erasmus+/Education and training

Implementation period: 2015-2017

Role of IME GSEVEE in the project: Lead partner

Consortium: University of Patras, University of Manchester, University of Bari, BIC Burgos

Website: tbc

Short description:

The overarching objective of the project is to create open educational means on entrepreneurship, by using innovative practices and tools. The open learning environment to be developed, shall be used for training micro and small enterprises (employers and/or self-employed persons) -as well as potential entrepreneurs (e.g. students)- on the basic principles of international, e-entrepreneurship, in order to improve those skills and knowledge required for the exploitation of opportunities, stemming from the digital economy.

The project shall develop and apply an open, electronic educational workshop, with the view of spreading the use of technological tools and helping participants to magnify the benefits of the digital economy for their current or future enterprises.

Targets - expected results of the consortium:

1 educational blueprint

1 digital educational platform

open educational tools/material

good practices and guidelines on open entrepreneurship

publicity material

3 studies

- Educational needs analysis in entrepreneurship agenda

- Evaluation of the pilot application

- External evaluation of the project